Who is the Pawan Malhan Ji in the real life?

Pawan Malhan Ji In this article, I will share the real nature, history and actual educational qualification of the owner of ebiz.com pvt ltd, Dr Pawan malhan. Whatever information, I am going to share in this post is known only to the top level ebiz associates which they never disclose to any lower ebizer.  Pawan Malhan is actually the most mysterious person in whole ebiz community. He has declared himself to be the gift of GOD to the human kind and no doubt he is treated as GOD by the ebizers. If you search the internet, then you will always get the mix information about him on internet, written by members (or ex-members) of ebiz. Obviously, some correct but mostly wrong. Mr. Pawan malhan doesn't have any official information about himself on internet, including  Wikipedia . Now tell me, which company owner doesn't have a Wikipedia page. Everyone have, but GOD doesn't exist there. Whatever ebizz...

Why 99 percent people fail in scam business of Ebiz?

This article will be the eye opener for all the ebiz associates. It will definitely shatter the beliefs of most of the dedicated ebiz associates who think themselves as a true business man and see their bright future in this 'fake business ebiz'.
You might be wondering that why I said the 'fake business ebiz' not just ebiz. I will explain the reasons little later in this article itself or say, I will prove that How ebiz is not a true business for its members. 
But, first I would like to solve the mystery, 'Why most ebizers fails in their dream business ebiz, which they love more than their life'...
Lets face the reality.... 99% people who joins this 'fake business Ebiz', eventually FAILS.
Lets dig little further.... 95% people fails to become even 'cycle achiever' (team of 9 people). Only 2% people becomes 'silver' (team of 50 people) and just 1% qualifies as 'gold' (1 silver in each leg).
Wow! What a stats! Great....
Please, don't assume that gold associates will be printing lots of money. In reality, I have seen lots of ebiz gold associates in big debt because to continue in this business all your money usually gets spent and many times more than that.
Now, a question must be arising in your mind that if this is the real chance of success, then How Ebiz is still running?? Why new people are joining it and why its old members are still promoting it, despite of knowing this fact??
Actually, the person who is going to join ebiz for the first time is totally unaware of this success ratio and ebizzers also never reveals this fact to guests (person who can join). They show them only those ebizers who are earning from ebiz (about 0.25% of all ebizzers) as their role models and try to create a greed and urgency in them.
When the person becomes cycle achiever then he is told as "you know that you are among the top 5% people who has joined the ebiz till now."
Really true fact but presented in different style and associate thinks he must have something special in himself and because of that hidden super-power, he has reached among top 5%. Great example of fake motivation!
Now, the big question is Why there is very high failure rate??
This big question has a very simple and one line answer... 'Because Pawan Malhan want this'. YES ITS TRUE. I know, No ebizer will believe me. They must be laughing at my madness. But, truth always remains a truth.
Let me explain my point....
For earning commissions, ebiz members have to run both their legs in ratio of either 1:2 or 2:1.
Lets suppose, if one leg of any associate is running successfully then Pawan Malhan is making profits because his silly products are getting sold, but he is not distributing any commission to that associate. 
And, if lots of people (say around 50%) will be able to run their both legs, then in a large network, lots of associates will start earning higher cheques without any personal contribution.
If company follows 70:30 principle of distributing money, then Pawan Malhan will soon become short of money and ebiz model will fail because he have to pay more than the earnings.
It has been already proved by mathematics and common sense, both.
So, Mr. Malhan ji used his cunning brain and build ebiz model in such a way that lots of people don't get success and blame themselves as well for that failure.
For getting success in ebiz, you must satisfy each and every condition stated below :
  • You should have large friend circle (guest list), if not then make it.
  • You have to attain almost every venue meetings and conventions, otherwise you will be humiliated by your uplines and eventually fail. 
  • You must come on stage and learn to boast and shout loudly.
  • You must fake yourself as a leader and lead your team for a fake dream of financial freedom.
  • You must travel at your own expense to anywhere across India to support your group.
  • You must learn to deceive people to join ebiz.
  • You must learn to give lectures to your downlines, otherwise they will quit.
  • You must talk to your downlines (on your mobile balance) and up lines daily on phone.
  • Don't ask for leave, work on Sunday too, for Pawan Malhan. 
And, lots more can't write all....
And, you have to learn all the skills yourself. You cannot rely on your upline or downline for any skill, you don't posses. Otherwise, no doubt you will fail.
Naturally, less than one percent people qualifies all these criteria and succeed. Others just join to waste their time, money and energy and gets nothing. They are just used and thrown like a tissue paper. 
Generally, gold associates qualifies all these criteria but as I said above they also don't have any money for themselves. Really, great success reward! Hats off to Pawan Malhan's cunningness! 
If any associate start earning just because of luck then it is considered as next to crime in ebiz community and sooner or later, he is blocked.
So, I hope it is clear that how this company is fooling the masses by showing them a dream which is 99.9% impossible to achieve from ebiz.
Now, lets discuss How ebiz is a fake business for its associates....
I am the boss of myself

Ebiz. com pvt. ltd. is private company and is completely owned by Pawan malhan with 100% shares. Associates don't get any partnership in this company. However, company's backbone are the associates. 
Here comes most dramatic part... I have seen many top level associates even praising Pawan malhan's son Ritik malhan in big meetings and convention, who has done nothing in the company. All the respect, he is gaining just because he is the next owner of ebiz company.
Also, at this point I have to really appreciate and salute the ebizzers for their cleverness. They know who is the next 'KING' and how they need to butter him.
Now, I am writing some key reasons which will prove why Ebiz is not a business for its members.
1st reason:
In normal business, owner can sell his business to other person and can get a huge amount as the reward of all his efforts, devotion and time.
Similarly, Pawan malhan can also sell ebiz to anyone. But, ebiz Members who works very hard like a labour to build the network don't have the right to sell their seat or network. Even, the thought of selling your seat is treated as an ill factor (negative) in ebiz. Great justice!
So, when a ebiz member quits he gets nothing from the company, no matter how big is his network, just like a job. But, if you want to leave a business, then lots of buyer will contact you automatically.
2nd reason:
In any business, owner can generate huge money by launching an I.P.O and then selling its shares to general public. After launching I.P.O (Initial Public Offer) owners can become very rich as we saw in case of Facebook and Alibaba.
Here also, Pawan malhan can enjoy this right, but a normal ebiz member can't launch the shares of his seat. In fact, it sounds very strange and idiotic. 
So, accept the fact that you are just a distributer of ebiz company, not the owner of any business. And, distributers can't launch shares, but owners can.
3rd reason:
In ebiz, associates can't hire any one for the skills they don't possess. They have to learn each and every skill themselves and then teach those skills to their downlines too, otherwise they will fail, but normal business provide this flexibility. 
For example, members can't hire anyone to manage their group or do follow ups or presentation. This is really one of the biggest drawback of network marketing and due to this, 99% people fails in ebiz.
4th reason:
No business owner gets payment after T.D.S (Tax Deduction at Source) deduction and all employees gets cheque after their employer has deducted the T.D.S. This happens in ebiz, as we all know.
A Simple business formula gets violated in ebiz which says (rich dad poor dad) 'pay yourself first'. Means, you use all your profit on yourself and if anything lefts then pay tax on that residue.

All these clearly proves that ebiz members are not building any business empire and they only get commissions for their sales (either personally or through team) by Pawan Malhan. That too, if new members are joined in the 1:2 or 2:1 ratio, otherwise no commissions. 
Also, the concepts of earning passive money or attaining Financial freedom through ebiz are just myths and are the tactics for fake motivation. You can never acheive these by doing ebiz.
Let me tell you why....
Suppose, you build a huge downlines network... But, a large network means more people to manage and for that you have to take more training meetings, more venue meetings, more follow-ups, more phone calls from downlines and you will never become free, totally opposite of what you think.
Even gold diplomats are very busy. Also, Pawan Malhan himself works then how he can allow the associates to enjoy.
So, now I leave it up to associates who use their own brains, instead of uplines. Decide yourself that Do you really want to do a business where you have 99% chance of your failure...
Also, all your efforts just for a fake business which is of course not yours.
I will end this article here because I believe that intelligent people can read signs and fool always remains a fool. Now, its your turn to share your valuable views here.
Thank you


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